Showing posts with label what you want. Show all posts
Showing posts with label what you want. Show all posts

Monday, 22 August 2011

Evanescence; coming back into sight.

Evanescence are coming back, and I can barely contain my excitement. 

According to the Oxford Dictionary, Evanescence is defined as disappearing from sight and fading away into vapour. True Story. And so I was heartbroken when my all-time favourite music group - the band that ignited my love for rock music and fuelled my teenage rebellion; the band that influenced me into learning piano, and the band whose song My Immortal was the first that I ever sang solo in front of an audience - did exactly what their name had defined.

After the incredible 2006 release of their second official album The Open Door (Origin and other EP's aside), Evanescence gradually, and much to my disappointment, faded from the limelight. I don't know whether this was influenced by the leaving of Ben Moody after Fallen, or if it was to do with the ridiculous fact that he and another two of Evanescence's members left and joined forces with American Idol finalist Carly Smithson to create the group We are the Fallen (well done guys, you couldn't have found a vocalist who sounded more like Amy Lee, OR a name closer to an Evanescence album if you tried), but I came to accept that I would most likely never see the day where there would be news of Amy Lee releasing music with Evanescence again.

Well guys, despite the four year wait, that day has finally come.With a line-up of new members and a bunch of new material, Evanescence will be releasing a self-titled third album, set on release in October this year. Cue the hallelujah chorus. In fact, if you're anything like me, you'll be well aware of the fact that Evanescence have already debuted their first single What You Want, which I have kindly inserted after the page break for your listening.